
Data privacy for the visitors of the site

We are required to let you know how we handle the privacy of your data, also pursuant to article 13 of D.Lgs.196/03 [a reference to an Italian law, the Code on the Protection of Personal Data]. The following is valid only for our site, at and For sites to which we link from ours, please refer to the privacy policy of each.

Connection data

When you connect to this site, the systems on which it runs collect automatically certain personal data (for example: your IP addresses, the domain name of the computers you are using to connect to the site, etc.) which are then transmitted using internet communication protocols. Starting from these data it is possible, in principle, to identify you.
Our ISP - Internet Service Provider gives us daily anonymized statistics on visits to the site (for example: number of accesses, IP addresses, originating search engine). We have access to these statistics for at most one month. We do not archive, process or distribute them in any form (unless laws and regulation require us to).

Data provided by visitors voluntarily

Visitors can send us certain personal data (for example: their names, their and other people's e-mail addresses, their telephone numbers) and documents that contain personal data (for example: CVs), using forms that we have put on the site.
In this case we (and, at the moment, no-one else) will record and process these data, only for the purposes of the communications that originated them. We will not communicate these data to others without the explicit consent of the interested person, which we will obtain in each case and for each communication.
Please note, however, that at the moment we do not use secure communication protocols (such as HTTPS) when we collect your data on our site. In principle, it is possible for other people, including malingerers, to intercept your data, against your will and ours. We recommend that you do not send us any data that you consider as strictly private.


At the moment we do not use any.

Data processing

We handle your data with electronic procedures and supports, or with manual procedures and on paper. Processing and archiving last only as long as is necessary for the purposes for which you have sent the data, and in any case as long as is required by laws and regulations.

Data providing

Visitors to the site are under no obligation to give us their data (except as noted above for connection data). In some cases, without the visitor's personal data we will not be able to receive and handle certain communications.


The person responsible for data privacy is Alfredo Grattarola (see addresses in the Contacts page).

Visitors' rights

Visitors have the legal faculty (article 7 of D.Lgs 196/03) to know at any time if we hold their data, which data we hold, and since when. You can check that the data are correct, have them changed or completed, or have them deleted. To exercise this faculty please write (physical mail or e-mail) to the person responsible for data privacy (see above).

Changes to this privacy policy

The situation we have described here, and this policy, may change in time. If you are interested, we suggest you check out this page every now and then.